Monday, February 25, 2008

Academic Honesty

Plagiarism is the act of using someone’s words or work as your own with out citing the original author.
There are plenty of reasons students resort to academic dishonesty, a one reason is academic pressure to be successful in school. When u see your parents they probably talking to you on how your younger siblings or relatives are doing in school, like they talk to u saying how some one has all A’s and they proud of them for it making u feel like you’re a failure. Another reason is time, if you have poor time management is a reason for academic dishonesty, putting of work to do other activities and going out having fun without remembering about a test or assignment until one of your classmates remind u about the assignment a few hours before the class leaving you not enough time to work on the assignment leaving u with another option on how to get it done by copying someone else’s work. Pressure is the most powerful reason that leads people to cheat or plagiarism on an assignment, when you feel like the whole world is on your shoulder to perform to everyone’s expectations.
There are plenty of ways a student can maintain academic integrity and avoid dishonesty issues. A student could go to the teacher and ask questions about the assignment if they don’t understand it, they also could manage their time by breaking up the assignment that you have to turn in by the day you are given the work by the day it is due. Another way is to have a study partner that would help u understand the material, knowing the material would lead to the student not having to cheat. Here are some ways on not to plagiarize.

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